As a district that receives Title I funding, EVSC has to follow several federal guidelines. Ed-Flex is a program through the U.S. Department of Education that allows school districts to apply to waive some requirements that may make it difficult to improve student achievement.
EVSC is applying to continue a waiver regarding requirements for paraprofessionals (instructional assistants) who work in our schools. Rather than requiring two years of college or passing a para-pro assessment, EVSC wishes to provide training that is relevent to the job for our assistants. This improves our pool of applicants and allows us to provide job specific training for our staff.
Please click on the link below to provide any public comment you may have regarding this waiver request. (Note that your comments will be made public as a part of the required waiver process.)
EVSC Ed-Flex Waiver Public Input Form
EVSC Ed-Flex Waiver Public Input Responses