Phase II represents the systems and practices that balance the central nervous system so that learning and development can happen at the highest level possible. This phase readies the brain for learning. Within this phase, educators modify systems and practices by introducing curriculum and utilizing instructional practices that ensure students are calm, alert and ready to learn. The systems and practices in this phase balance the central nervous system so students and staff have the fuel needed for learning, problem solving and persisting on cognitively complex tasks.
The Conditions for Learning includes RESST - Relationships, Environments, Schedules, Systems, and Teacher and staff practices and balanced stressload. RESST focuses on creating relationships and environments in which students can thrive. It sets aside time for refueling, or allowing students to recharge and be ready for learning to take place, as well as being intentional about creating positive relationships with students and staff and allowing time for play.
RESST also helps adults and students to maintain a balanced stress load throughout the day since research shows us that maintaining this balance positively impacts student’s learning, development, and health.