PTAs’ mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.

PTA does this by:
Providing students and families with resources to help support student success and their overall well-being. We provide families with information on topics such as health and nutrition, gun and internet safety, as well as a wide variety of other topics.

Providing support to schools and teachers. PTA provides volunteers to help support and meet the needs of the schools and their teachers. This can be as simple as coping papers for teachers, volunteering at school events, providing financial support, or connecting schools and teachers with partners in the community.

Creating community partnerships. PTA partners with many local businesses to help meet the needs of students, teachers, and the community. Community partners often provide donations or deals on items and services for special events, for both students and teachers. PTA also encourages families to support these local businesses by providing all PTA members with a discount card that can be used to make purchases with community partners.

Advocating for all children. PTA connects with legislators through email, phone calls, and in-person meetings. PTA urges members of Congress to advocate for the health and safety of every child and to support federal legislation and funding that strengthens family engagement and whole communities at large. PTA advocates on issues that affect public schools, teachers, students, and families.

Example of Advocacy in action:
”The Evansville Area Council PTA joined Indiana PTA on Capitol Hill in March 2020, we help lead advocacy efforts in H.R. 6201, Families First Coronavirus Response Act, specifically Division B – Nutrition Waivers, Title I – Maintaining Essential Access to Lunch for Students Act, and Title II – Covid-19 Child Nutrition Response Act. This bill was passed the very next morning after we advocated for it on Capitol Hill.”