The Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation sponsors two charter schools -- Signature School (high school) and Joshua Academy (K-8).
Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation
Charter School Monitoring Guidelines
Section 1. Process for Regular Charter School Monitoring
The Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation (EVSC) will hold any sponsored Charter School accountable for the educational achievement of its mission and goals. The EVSC will receive and review annual reports from all sponsored Charter Schools at a mutually agreed upon designated time each year. The Annual Report must consist of the following information:
a. Attendance records;
b. Student performance data;
c. Financial report
d. Any information necessary to comply with state and federal government requirements; and
e. Any other information specified by the Charter Agreement
The EVSC will conduct a review of the annual report and its findings, during a period not to exceed twenty (20) days from the receipt of the annual report. The EVSC Superintendent or designee will confer with the Charter Board of Directors and determine any necessary corrective action in a written response to the Charter. The Charter will have sixty (60) days from the receipt of the Superintendent’s report to rectify any corrective action as determined by EVSC.
Section 2. Standards for Charter Renewal or Non-Renewal
The EVSC Board of School Trustees is the ultimate authority on Charter school renewal or non-renewal. The decision for Charter renewal or non-renewal is determined by majority vote of the Board of School Trustees.
Determination for non-renewal of the Charter after the sixty (60) day period will be based on:
a. Failure of the charter to comply with the conditions established in the Charter Agreement.
b. Failure of the charter to meet the educational goals set forth in the Charter.
c. Failure of the charter to comply with all applicable laws.
d. Failure of the charter to rectify corrective actions determined in the written report.
The Board of Directors of the Charter shall have the right to terminate the Charter Agreement upon one (1) year’s written notice submitted to the President of the School Board of Trustees of the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation.
Section 3. Processes and Standards for School Closure, Including Transfer of Student Records
Upon revocation of a Charter, student records shall be sent within sixty (60) days to the schools to which the students have transferred.
Graduated student records from a closed Charter shall be sent to the EVSC Office of Student Services within sixty (60) days. EVSC will assume the responsibility of forwarding requested student records to post-secondary institutions.
Signature School Charter
Joshua Academy School Charter