Benefits for Students:
Helps students build confidence in their own abilities
Makes learning more enjoyable
Optimizes students ability to absorb knowledge and build skills
Works with and for each child based on their individual progress
Helps students see the classroom as a safe, non-threatening environment
Benefits for Families:
Helps improve parent/child relationships as discipline and acting out at school become less prevalent
Helps families support self-regulation skills at home and at school
Improves parent relationship with teachers and administrators
Benefits for School Staff:
Provides a clear framework for how to approach teaching
Fully integrates to ensure continuity of practices through school and district leadership transitions
Improves ability to work with each student based on their individual learning needs and brain development
Removes pressure to meet unachievable standardized curriculum goals
Reduces burnout and improves job satisfaction
Classroom and school climate/culture:
Provides a calmer classroom environment
Helps teachers respond to students who act out with calmer responses that focus on self-regulation
Reduces classroom distraction caused by negative student behaviors
Fosters a supportive culture for staff and administrators
Reduces stress and provides a positive environment
Brings continuity across the school system to whole child teaching and development
Community Benefits:
Better workforce
More knowledgeable workforce
Better community members
Ensures that students are gaining skills to be successful in today's workforce
Creates shared goals and common language within the community
Develops a community that understands stressload and impacts on behavior